Sunday, January 25, 2009

HP 12c Financial Calculator (12C#ABA)

HP 12c Financial Calculator (12C#ABA)

Have a nice time i find HP 12c Financial Calculator (12C#ABA) Coming Soon I find this from Amazon I will That interes, You that Agree?.

BuZZ from Customer Shopping

Stay Away From This1
You do not know when you need the manual and when you don't. Try calculating a monthly payment with a standard term of 48 months. Check your answer in a spreadsheet. Then change the term to 48.5 months. Uh oh, you get a different answer with the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is correct. The HP is not. You need to know how to enter a term with a decimal place in the HP. What else will you need the manual for? Want to take a chance on an exam or in real life? No way. Use a Texas Instruments or a Sharp financial calculator.

HP 12 C - Power Computer & Calculator5
This is as good as it gets. If you have any financial needs, this is the oNLY calculator to consider. It has the brain suitable for any and all financial calculations.
this was the Gold Standard set by the Certified Commercial Investment Managers of the National Association of Realtors.

In addition this has long battery life - like a couple of years with daily use.

Powerful, But Not Easy to Use5
I have had this for almost 3 decades (there is a more recent version of it, but I have not seen it yet). Recently, I determined to learn every capability of this calculator (I only use the more obvious functions). There is an awful lot of subtlety, and it is impossible to use the advanced functions without the Owner's Manual & Problem-Solving Guide. I was about to take it down a star or two for its complexity, but this was really not any worse than the other financial calculators I have used, so par for this. Just make sure that you keep the manual stored with the calculator: you're gonna need it. However, I decided to give it top rank; at least it possesses all those capabilities (not that you will ever figure out to make it work). Despite its age, I still like and use it.
A small sampling of obscure things:
* "12x" key not only times by 12, but also puts the result into "n"
* "12÷" key not only divides by 12, but also puts the result into "i"
* "f" and "." puts display into scientific notation
* does not have a "log" key, but it does do common logs (you just have to know the magic word)
* does not have a 10^x key, but has a "Y^X" key
* holding down "-" and pressing "on" clears all registers (including the programming ones) at the same time
* the date input format and payment convention (beginning or end of a period) are not reset when you turn it off
* "prefix" has 2 different functions
* sometimes you have to press the financial keys twice
* difference between "i" and "INT" keys
Heaven knows what all else.

Some of these are obvious: statistics (sigma+, std dev, and mean), or financial (n, i, PV, PMT, FV; just remember the cash flow convention); these you can pretty much figure out just by looking at the keys. Others, however, you will stare at thinking "duh?": 2-coordinate linear estimation, bond, depreciation, discounted cash flow, weighted mean, sample vs. actual mean for the statistics function, amortization. For these, you will have to study the examples in the manual. There is a cheat sheet on the label on the back, but these are rather cryptic and not always helpful.

I skipped this section. Yes, you can write your own mathematical program at the register level. But a spreadsheet is much easier and faster (remember: this thing was made before there was a such thing as a "personal" computer).

Because of its programming capability, this calculator has many more capabilities than just the hard-wired ones. The manual and the optional solutions manual have literally dozens of different financial calculations that the 12C can do. Problem: you have to manually key them in, and some of the programs are quite long. Also, it can only hold one program at a time (course, since the memory is continuous, the last program you keyed in will stay in memory even when you turn it off). If you want to do a different program, you will have to wipe out the old one and key in the new one.

About HP 12c Financial Calculator (12C#ABA) detail

  • Color: Blk/Gold
  • Brand: Hewlett-Packard
  • Model: HP12C
  • Platform: Windows
  • Format: CD
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .60" h x 3.10" w x 5.00" l, .0 pounds


  • Calculator with built-in financial functions and statistics
  • Uses Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)
  • More than 120 built-in functions, including register-based cash-flow analysis
  • 10-character, 1-line LCD display
  • Device measures 5.0 x 0.6 x 3.1 inches (WxHxD)

Product Description

Programmable financial calculator Comprehensive instruction manual Uses reverse polish notation (RPN)

List Price: $95.19
Amazon Price: $60.99

Source From softcafe-20

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Bye Bye
Cheers and Care

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